Promo smartfren andro di IIMS 2012

Ada info menarik nih kawan, dalam gelaran IIMS 2012 (Indonesian International Motor Show) yang saat ini sedang diadakan di kompleks PRJ Kemayoran dari tanggal 20-30 September 2012. Smartfren merilis promo smartfren andro dengan harga hanya Rp. 999.000 (sudah termasuk PPn) dari harga normal di gallery smartfren yang mencapai Rp. 1.483.000.

Kesempatan ini hanya bisa didapatkan bagi pengunjung pameran saja, karena lokasi boothnya berada dalam area pameran, yaitu selasar prefunction D, selasar Hall A dan selasar Hall D. 

Spesifikasi smartfren andro (Hisense HS-E910) adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Jaringan CDMA2000 1 X EVDO Rev. A 800 MHz
  •  Prosesor Qualcomm 1GHz
  • RAM 512MB
  • Layar WVGA 4 inci beresolusi 480 x 800 piksel
  • Android 2.3 Gingerbread (akan di-upgrade ke Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, info yang ini sih gak jelas kapan rilis updatenya)
  • Kamera 3,2 megapixel
  • Bluetooth, MicroUSB, MicroSD 4GB (up to 32GB), jack audio 3,5mm
  • Wi-Fi dan CDMA 2000 1x EVDO Rev A 800MHz
  • Dimensi 125,5 x 64 x 10,8 mm
  • Baterai Li-ion 1630mAh 


Rumus usia dan pensiun (Microsoft Excel)

Berhubung penulis dapat tugas dari pimpinan untuk menambahkan beberapa kolom baru dalam database pegawai internal di Biro, maka sekalian saja penulis share di blog ini.

Kolom yang akan ditambahkan adalah umur (age) dan TMT Pensiun, buat persiapan saja bila sewaktu-waktu dibutuhkan, mengingat ada beberapa pegawai yang akan pensiun di tahun 2013.

Umur dapat menampilkan sampai dengan hitungan bulan, dan TMT (terhitung mulai tanggal) Pensiun PNS adalah 56 tahun (tanggal satu bulan berikutnya). Terkecuali untuk para pejabat fungsional seperti dokter, auditor dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya yang dapat mencapai usia pensiun hingga 65 tahun dan pejabat eselon II ke atas yang dapat mencapai hingga 60 tahun.

Untuk rumus umur adalah: 
=DATEDIF(L5;NOW( );"y")&" thn, "&DATEDIF(L5;NOW( );"ym")&" bln " 

dan TMT Pensiun:

L5 adalah cell yang berisi tanggal lahir.  

Mudah-mudahan bermanfat buat para pembaca.


Membuat toko online di blogger

Sudah sejak lama saya ingin membuatkan web toko online untuk istri saya. Berhubung dalam kurun waktu tersebut belum menemukan template blogger yang cocok, maka niatan itu urung terlaksana.

Beruntung, beberapa hari lalu saat sedang blog walking, saya menemukan web yang menyediakan template blogger siap pakai untuk toko online dan gratis pula. Alhasil ide tersebut kini bisa terlaksana, dan istri pun akhirnya dapat memiliki toko online.

Alamat toko onlinenya adalah : http//

Semoga usaha yang baru digelutinya barokah ya Allah.. Aaamiin.
Selamat berbelanja ya rekan-rekan.


Mengukur jarak dan menentukan rute jalan via google Maps (Update)

Artikel ini dibuat untuk mengupdate artikel sebelumnya yang berjudul Mengukur jarak suatu tempat dengan Google Earth . Artikel tersebut boleh dibilang kurang akurat untuk menentukan jarak sesungguhnya, karena jarak ditentukan dengan cara menarik garis lurus dari titik A ke titik B.

Padahal sejatinya jarak yang tepat juga harus memperhitungkan jalan yang harus ditempuh. Misalnya bila melalui jalan A maka jaraknya adalah sekian, lewat jalan B jaraknya sekian. Oleh karena itu mari memanfaatkan aplikasi Google Maps untuk menentukan rute sekaligus mengukur jarak yang tepat.

Berikut adalah langka-langkah yang dapat kita lakukan:

1. Buka situs :

2. Ubah tampilan peta menjadi map, dengan mengklik Peta/Maps di sudut kanan atas.
3. Masukkan kata kunci jakarta untuk menampilkan peta Jakarta

4. Sebagai contoh mari kita menentukan jarak dari tugu monas sampai dengan Pulogadung Trade Center (PTC). Karena monas mudah untuk mencarinya, ketik saja kata kunci monas, maka akan muncul pilihan di sisi kiri layar.

5. Kemudian klik bulatan merah yang didalamnya ada huruf A. sehingga muncul teks boks seperti dibawah, lalu pilih petunjuk arah.

6. Setelah link petunjuk arah diklik, maka di sisi kiri akan muncul menu penelusuran rute dengan tampilan seperti dibawah

7. Masukkan kata kunci pulogadung trade center di kolom A, google maps secara otomatis akan menyarankan kepada Anda lokasi yang mirip dengan kata kunci tersebut. Bila sudah sesuai tinggal pilih dan klik tombol dapatkan petunjuk arah.

Yup, sudah tertampil di peta pilihan rute yang bisa kita pilih, yaitu lewat jalan perintis kemerdekaan dan Jalan Jenderal Suprapto sejauh 11,4 KM dan lewat Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan sejauh 15,1 KM.

Sekian, semoga bermanfaat dan tidak lagi tersesat ke arah yang hendak dituju.

NB: klik gambar untuk memperbesar


Perkembangan IT dengan keterbatasan

Artikel ini kubuat dalam rangka mengobati kerinduan saat menimba ilmu di negeri bollywood beberapa tahun silam.

Mengingat episode itu, seakan saya tersenyum-senyum simpul bila membandingkan fasilitas pendidikan dan pelatihan (diklat) yang saya dapatkan. Bagaimana tidak, disaat di sini (Jakarta) pada waktu yang sama sudah booming penggunaan layar LCD dan processor yang sudah multi core, disana saya dan kawan-kawan mendapati bahwa komputer yang kita gunakan masih menggunakan layar tabung CRT dan processor seadanya. Mungkin karena lokasi diklat bukan di pusat kota New Delhi, melainkan di Ghaziabad, salah satu bagian dari Uttar Pradesh sehingga kita masih mendapati fasilitas seperti ini.

 Kira-kira seperi ini lab komputer waktu itu. (tahun 2010)

Nah, yang jadi heran... ngapain juga kita sampai mau-maunya belajar IT sampai ke India, bila fasilitas belajarnya saja seperti itu.  

Memang, dalam hal fasilitas India masih belum semaju kita disini, akan tetapi kalau soal professionalisme gak boleh lah kita meragukan mereka. Ahli-ahli IT India seperti yang kita ketahui bertebaran di seantero dunia, bahkan banyak pula yang menjadi programmer inti di perusahaan besar sekelas Microsoft. 

Ada dua Instruktur yang mengajar kita kala itu, yang pertama adalah Mr. Rohit Sarma, dan yang kedua adalah Mrs. Juhi Maharjan. Keduanya sudah memiliki beberapa sertifikat dari Microsoft dan Cisco. Ada ucapan dari Mrs. Juhi yang tidak tahu kenapa masih teringat sampai sekarang, "Do i make sense ?", beliau sering sekali mengucapkan kalimat tersebut di dalam kelas, terutama setelah selesai memberikan materi (dengan logat indianya yang kental tentunya). Entahlah kenapa beliau menggunakan pertanyaan tersebut ketimbang "Do you understand?". Mungkin juga biar tidak terkesan menggurui ya, kalau tidak dapat dimengerti bolehlah ditanyakan.

Bagaimana dengan kita, sudahkah kita memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada di sekitar kita secara maksimal. Banyak diantara kita yang memiliki komputer canggih, sebagai contoh CPU dengan processor core i7, ram 8 gb dan hardisk ukuran terra, toh paling banter digunakan hanya untuk bermain game. Padahal bisa dimanfaatkan untuk belajar desain grafis, dan video editing yang memerlukan komputer dengan resources yang tinggi.

Kalau untuk programmer, spesifikasi komputer sepertinya tidak perlu yang speknya tinggi. Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya dapati programmer aplikasi berbasis web di institusi saya hanya menggunakan netbook dengan processor 1 ghz, dan itu sudah cukup untuk menghandle php web server macam xampp, database mysql dan sebagainya.


Alternatif selain Android Play

Memiliki hp android menjadikan kita bak kecanduan, seakan tidak pernah ada waktu lain selain mengutak-atik android. Ada yang cuma sekedar mengecek email, padahal android terdapat mail notification secara otomatis, toh yang penting cuma gaya-gayaan... iseng-iseng aja merefresh sendiri inbox email.

Lalu ada pula yang memang hobby menginstall custom rom, custom rom adalah operating system android, contohnya eclair, froyo, gingerbread dan ics. Sementara yang lain cukup  dengan menginstal banyak template dan aplikasi.

Eit... sepertinya kurang tepat kalau kita sebut android sebagai hp, karena hp berbasis android tentunya bukan hp biasa yang hanya digunakan untuk nelpon dan sms. Lebih tepat bila kita mensandingkan dengan istilah smartphone a.k.a hp cerdas.

Seperti yang penulis sendiri rasakan, sebagai pengguna android keingintahuan untuk mengulik  apa sih yang bisa dilakukan dengan smartphone android begitu besar. Nyaris setiap saat, di berbagai kesempatan selalu saja ada waktu dengan android. Kegiatan yang paling sering saya lakukan adalah mencari aplikasi di android market a.k.a google play. 

Ada beberapa alternatif selain android market yang dapat juga kita kunjungi untuk mencari aplikasi/game untuk android. Berikut situs yang dapat penulis share:

1. Panda App

Url : 

 2. Apk Tops



Remove the Engine in French-style

Remove the Engine in French-style

Now, when it comes to removing engine from the bay, it’s a real tough job. How do you get it out? You might even need a crane or a big winch and several men to help you. Not necessarily. The French have discovered a much easier way to remove the engine. Watch this video for full step-by-step instructions.

Apply this method with caution! Don’t say we didn’t warn you.


A New Teaser for Renault Clio 4

A New Teaser for Renault Clio 4

The first teaser for the new generation Renault Cio 4 since last year, this is a detail of the front, where a massive logo dominates on a small grille under the new branding concept unveiled by Renault DeZir.

Since then, various rumors have appeared in the press, information and spy photos and renderings, so spirits are quite agitated before Paris Motor Show 2012, where the new Renault Clio 4 will officially make debut. For now, the French endurance test us with a teaser image – back where the bottom line is observed side windows, and some arrest.

It seems that the new Renault Clio relies on integration solution for door handle rear window frame, which would give to Clio a sporty design, coupe style, prominent edge. In other words, the new Clio 4 will raise serious life-style claims.

In size, the new Clio will increase in length by 2 cm, reaching 4.05 meters, but the total mass will be less. Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions will be reduced with the adoption in some Stop&Start system for the range of engines and trim levels will be unusually rich for a small class.


Maserati’s SUV will not be called Kubang

Maserati’s SUV will not be called Kubang

Maserati will not call their future SUV Kubang, as this was presented at the Frankfurt Motor Show 2011.

The future Maserati SUV will be launched in 2014 at the Detroit Auto Show, but will not keep the name of concept which was announced at Frankfurt Motor Show 2011, the intention of Maserati to build a SUV. So, Maserati SUV will not be called Kubang, but will have a completely new name, hopefully one that you will be able to spell without twisting your tongue.

It is not the first time when we hear the name Kubang. In 2003, Maserati had another attempt of an SUV concept with the same name, but has not received the green light. Now, after Fiat took the control of Chrysler, Maserati SUV becomes a certainty, because the concept shown at Frankfurt 2011 is using the technique platform of known Jeep Grand Cherokee.



The Toyota Prius Uncovered

The Toyota Prius Uncovered

The 2010 Toyota Prius (AP Photo/Eckehard Schulz)

For the past decade, the Toyota Prius has dominated the hybrid car market in the US.  The Prius model has become synonymous with hybrid cars that offer greater fuel efficiency and affordability.  When the third generation model was introduced in 2010, it meant a sleeker, more aerodynamic shape for the hatchback and greater fuel efficiency.

This latest model has a 1.8 litre engine that is matched with Toyota’s hybrid synergy drive that uses a pair of motor-generators and a lithium ion battery to reach speeds up to 60 km per hour.  There is added torque to kick along the engine power and recharge the battery when the car brakes or the engine gets tired.  The combined output of the entire hybrid system comes to a moderate 134 horsepower, which is nothing to be sneezed at.

The interior has a futuristic aesthetic with mostly plastic surfaces. An information centre is mounted next to the base of the windscreen, and the functional instruments are next to the driver’s side.   This year Toyota asked four artists to come up with signature looks for the exterior side-panelling of the hatchback, with striking and distinctive design choices to choose from. It’s a bold design move that brings the car’s aesthetic up to date with its cutting-edge technology.

Despite its small size, the Prius has plenty of leg room in the back seat and can fit five adults at a squeeze. The handling won’t inspire the adoration of sports-car fans but lives up to Toyota’s good reputation.  The engine gets from 0 to 97 kmph in just under ten seconds and runs silently at lower speeds. In terms of safety the Prius comes standard with seven airbags, anti-lock brakes, traction control and stability, plus a system to monitor tyre pressure.  An excellent, affordable all-rounder that is perfect for zipping from A to B.


Here’s with what Ferrari comes to Beijing 2012

Here’s with what Ferrari comes to Beijing 2012

At Beijing Auto Show, Ferrari introduced the new supercar, F12, on the Chinese market, which in recent years has become a mirage of top manufacturers. Ferrari F12 is the latest creation of the Italian manufacturer, and with a time of one minute and 23 seconds on the Fiorano circuit, is the fastest model wearing prance horse.

F12 has a V12 engine of 6262 cc with an output of 730 hp and 690 Nm of torque. Given these figures and amazing body built entirely of carbon fiber, the new Ferrari coupe goes from 0 to 100km/h in just 3.1 seconds and does not stop until the speedometer needle passed 340 km/h.

The price paid for these performances will higher, but Italian manufacturer is confident that sales will experience a significant increase due to new model, especially on the Chinese market. The second important thing that Ferrari announced in Beijing is the new V12 equipped with KERS. Italian say that the new engine left the experimental stage and that in future will be mounted on a car series.


Jaguar Announces two new engines at Beijing

Jaguar Announces two new engines at Beijing

Jaguar announced at Beijing the appearance of two new engines in its range: a 3.0-litre V6 engine with a four-cylinder 2.0-litre, both of them being confirmed for future sports car of the British manufacturer, Jaguar F-Type.

3.0-litre V6 produces, aided by a supercharger, 340 hp and 450 Nm, while the more powerful version, which will be mounted on the new F-Type, reach at 380 hp and 460 Nm. The latter model is the most powerful engine of the manufacturer from the UK in terms of power per litre, giving a very good report, of 127 hp / litre. The version less powerful will be offered to XF and XJ models, helping them to reach 100 km/h in just 5.7 seconds, a top speed of 250 km/h, electronically limited.

The second engine, four-cylinder produces 240 hp and 340 Nm helped by a turbocharger. It will replace the 3.0-litre V6 engine (AJ-V6) on XF and XJ models, are more efficient and more economical than this. The only exception is in the U.S. market, where Jaguar XJ will be offered with 3.0-litre V6 engine.


Audi Buys Ducati for 841 Million Euros

Audi Buys Ducati for 841 Million Euros

Everybody knows Ducati, the famous Italian manufacturer of motorcycles. The announcement from 2010 about collaboration between Ducati and AMG, Mercedes-Benz sport department, took us to the conclusion that the next step will be buying Ducati by Mercedes-Benz.

However, now we have a major surprise: Ducati officially signed with Audi, Mercedes-Benz premium’s rival. Besides this, the surprises continues, because it’s a huge amount, about 840 millions euro (ie $ 1.1 billion).

Ducati is the third acquisition from Audi’s portfolio, Lamborghini and the design studio Italdesign, most analysts considering the purchase a new step in the fight of Audi vs BMW. Basically, from now on, Ducati will compete directly with BMW motorcycle division, and sales of Italian motorcycles hopefully will help in the battle against the rival from Munich. However, there are analysts who believe that the price paid for Volkswagen group for Ducati is exaggerated.


The sales of diesel cars threatens hybrid and electric cars from U.S.

The sales of diesel cars threatens hybrid and electric cars from U.S.

It seems that Volkswagen group has bet on diesel cars overseas development, because the sales of cars with compression ignition engines increase in the U.S. Even more than expected U.S. analysts.

Thus, the first quarter of 2012 show an increase of 35% over the same period in 2011, which, taking into account the evolution of 27% from 2011 compared to 2010, leads us to the conclusion that Americans are increasingly tempted by such efficient cars because of fuel prices.

On Monday, the situation looks downright explosive: in January the increase was of 21.2% compared to 2011, in February by 42.9% and in March by 39.6%. That while the increased electric and hybrid cars segment was about at the same level (11.4% in January, 55.4% in February, 39.6% in March), and the total sales of new cars in the U.S. increased with only 13.4 in the period January-March 2012.

Thus, taking into account the federal standards, which require obtaining in 2025 an average fuel consumption of 54.5 mpg, combined with more favorable prices for diesel cars than for electric and hybrid, it becomes clear that almost all car manufacturers will adapt the demand for north American market.


The first photos of the new Jaguar F-Type

The first photos of the new Jaguar F-Type

Jaguar C-X16 concept has twisted the minds of visitors from Frankfurt Motor Show 2011, but apparently show car’s story is as happy as possible. The car will go into production, as a roadster, whose first pictures and details were made public at New York Auto Show, which is in full swing.

The name will be the future model F-Type, a title with a historical continuity in the gallery of Jaguar sports cars. However, warns that British roadster should not be confused with any successor of the legendary E-type, since the two models there is no logical connection.

At design chapter, the good news is that the concept lines will reach almost unchanged on street, few details related purely practical aspect being reviewed. If the trunk is open, which will not make any more from the side, as C-X16, but conventional as possible.

However, no coupe version is not excluded from the program. This could be presented over two years, and during his career, the car will experience stronger versions, and a hybrid version. As sales figures, it is likely that both coupe and convertible, to achieve the same performance.


The most luxury British feline: Jaguar XJ Ultimate

The most luxury British feline: Jaguar XJ Ultimate

At Beijing Auto Show, Jaguar introduced the most luxurious model of its range, XJ Ultimate, based on long-wheelbase version of “flagship” of British manufacturer. Outside a few minor changes can be observed, but give a touch of elegance and style to slightly redesigned British car.

Slightly redesigned front bumper, the exhaust with oval profile and Brown 20-inch wheels specially designed for this model emphasizes the elegant character of car. Even if Jaguar brought changes at exterior for the new XJ, the interior is what defines this model. Rear seat was replaced by two independent seats separated by a center console.

Jaguar XJ Ultimate is a sedan designed for successful people, most probably businessmen who like to travel in the rear seat. Perhaps because of this, British manufacturer has installed a special place to cool the champagne from the rear seats. UK manufacturer made everything possible, so passengers to not get bored, installing a tablet PC in front seat backrests, which are connected to a system of sound with 20 speakers created by specialists in this field, Meridian.


Toyota TS030, irreparably damaged in tests

Toyota TS030, irreparably damaged in tests

Toyota will come this year to FIA Endurance World Championship with the hybrid prototype TS030. This is the first time when a hybrid will take the start in the 24-hour race from Le Mans.

On May 5, Toyota had to attend at the first official race at Spa Francorchamps. Unfortunately, during the tests in the rain on Paul Ricard circuit was severely damaged, unable to be repaired until the competition. Toyota said that the accident occurred because of an electronic component that was not sealed properly.

The unfortunate event caused irreparable damage to the monocoque chassis and the time until Belgium’s race is too short to allow the manufacture of a new one. The Japanese manufacturer claims that participation in 24-hour race at Le Mans is not jeopardized and will start testing as soon as a new chassis will be built.


Tesla S will be sold for less than 39,000 EUR

Tesla S will be sold for less than 39,000 EUR

Tesla has announced that the most expected electric five-door model of the company will start the mass production in autumn this year.

S Model is expected to have a starting price of $49,900 for the basic version and the autonomy of this version is up to 162 miles. Top version as equipment (S Performance) will end up costing up to $ 84,900 and will be able to travel up to 300 miles. The sprint from 0-60 in just 4.4 seconds is for the latest version. There are two variants which will be produced in only 1,000 units, S Model Signature, whose price will be up to $ 97,900 (Signature S Performance).

As announces U.S. manufacturer, all 1,000 copies have been reserved for future owners. Tesla Company announced earlier this year, that expects to triple its sales volume this year, and S Model is intended to be sold in 5,000 copies per year.


162mph on ice, with an electric propulsion

162mph on ice, with an electric propulsion

Electric RaceAbout prototype set a new speed record on ice, in the category of electric cars. Top speed was 162mph. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences from Helsinki, has launched in 2009, a project called E-RA or Electric RaceAbout. The car will be an electric sports car, combining ultra-light body with an electric propulsion system.

E-RA has four electric motors, one for each wheel and were produced by AXCO Motors. The body is monocoque and is built entirely of fiberglass and the batteries which are used are lithium-titanium. The test took place on the frozen lake Inari-Ukonjärvi (Finland), using tires of 225/40 R18 which adhesion is enhanced by attaching nails.

In the early morning weather was totally unfavorable for the test, but ultimately, the test driver, Janne Laitinen was lucky. He managed to reach an average speed of 252.09 km/h and a top speed of 260.06 km/h. Unfortunately, the performance could not be put on Guinness World Records, because there is no category for this time of trial.


Land Rover at New York 2012

Land Rover at New York 2012

Land Rover takes advantage of Auto Show from New York to celebrate his 25 years on the U.S. market and the general public on that occasion present a concept called DC100 Expedition and one special edition Discovery and for Range Rover Sport.

DC100 Expedition is almost identical with DC100 concept presented at Frankfurt Motor Show from 2011. The only differences are that the Expedition is also a snorkel, roof rack and a crane. In addition, it has sonar, with which measures water depth to traverse. It seems that Land Rover wants to test in this way bringing a similar model with Land Rover Defender from the U.S. market.

On two special editions Range Rover should be noted that they were subject only to changes in design. The first special edition, called Range Rover Supercharged Limited Edition, stands out through the body and red brake calipers the same color.

Inside, this version draws attention with huge leather chairs and sound system of 825-watt Harman Kordon. This model will be produced in only 500 copies will be available only in the United States. The second version, called LR4 HSE Luxury Limited Edition, corresponding European Discovery. This provides an improved exterior view, because alloy wheels 20-inch and chrome.


A Gift for Fernando Alonso – Ferrari FF

A Gift for Fernando Alonso â€" Ferrari FF

Life of a F1 driver is a bizarre combination of stress, years sacrificed to becoming the best, emotional victories and attractive rewards. Fernando Alonso, Spanish pilot for Ferrari Scuderia, is not an exception.

After winning the Malaysian Grand Prix, Alonso was called at Ferrari headquarters for a discussion with Luca di Montezemolo. After his success was celebrated as it should, and when reward came. Fernando Alonso became the owner of a newly Ferrari FF.

We not have any doubt about the pilot’s ability to restrain the 660 bhp of the car, and that, not only because the Spaniard has an extensive experience on the track, but for many other reasons. What would they be? Well, Ferrari 458 Italy, Maserati GranCabrio, Abarth 695 Tributo Ferrari and Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8, ie all cars received by the pilot over the time.


Renault Clio RS Red Bull Racing RB7 Edition

Renault Clio RS Red Bull Racing RB7 Edition

From the beginning we mention the negative side of this new special edition of Renault Clio RS Red Bull Racing RB7: we speak of a strictly limited edition for France, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium and Austria.

The price of new special editions amounts in France, at the sum of 27,900 euro, 4,000 euro extra to a normal Clio RS. For the additional money you’ll receive the matte black body paint, contrasting yellow details (such as mirror housings, “mustache” from the front grille and rear diffuser, roof style with racing flag or badge on the door’s , which evokes the F1 team.

Also, Clio RS Red Bull Racing RB7 has the right of a set of 18-inch wheels, shod with Bridgestone RE050A performance tires, same for the Megane RS. In addition, the brake calipers are painted red, and inside the car is equipped with Recaro seats, but with a RS Monitor, while the wheel is garnished with yellow stitching sports.

Otherwise, the technically Renault Clio RS Red Bull Racing RB7 not suffer other changes, the aspirated 2.0-liter engine developing 200 hp. It is not known yet how many units will be built this special edition, but the French hoped that the little hot hatch to stir among fans of Formula 1 team.


Vauxhall Announced Three New Transmissions

Vauxhall Announced Three New Transmissions

During the speech at Geneva Motor Show, Karl-Fredrich Stracke, Opel’s chairman, announced in the near future emergence of three new gearboxes. Although the premium boxes with double-clutch gearbox are no longer a novelty, GM has this technology available on any model.

Karl-Friedrich Stracke, Opel’s chairman, hinted during Geneva Motor Show, that in the near future will install a double-clutch transmission with seven gears on a model from GM group, without specifying the brand or model (probably Vauxhall Insignia). In addition to new double-clutch transmission, General Motors will launch two gearboxes: manual with six reports and for the upper class models, an eight-speed automatic.

Stracke said that the Vauxhall Insignia has been proved that can be produced a luxury car, but they need a new model to introduce in premium segment and to remain there. He said that the alliance with SAP, which is now confined to developing a common platform, would involve the exchange of technology for the development of three transmissions.


Snowman: A low-cost Volkswagen Touareg from Skoda?

Snowman: A low-cost Volkswagen Touareg from Skoda?

Skoda may be fully considered a success, both within the industrial group VAG and compared to the global automotive industry. However, there are departments that seem to be very promising, and this advantage also comes from the parent corporation that provides unconditionally optimal technical platforms.

It seems that the company is preparing its offensive to the large SUV segment. Most likely, the platform used by the Czechs will be the Volkswagen Touareg. However, is not excluded the elongation of compact MQB platform from which will benefit the future Volkswagen Golf and Passat, and the new generations of Seat Leon and Audi A3.

Skoda’s SUV would wear the name Snowman, which retains the name of Czech 4×4 cars. Even so, it is likely that the final name to be Grand Yeti, in the case of adoption of the two technical platforms.

The great advantage that the SUV will have on the car market will be given by the possibility that the upcoming version to be offered in both standard and long wheelbase, but here’s a hot detail: it seems that Skoda prepares an SUV-coupe with four doors, inspired by BMW X6, which supreme argumet will consist of very tempting price.


The Alliance Between GM and PSA Brings Two New Cars

The Alliance Between GM and PSA Brings Two New Cars

Although  just a few weeks have passed after formalising the partnership between GM and PSA, the two already began to exchange the employees for a successful cooperation.

GM’s CEO, Dan Akerson says that it wants to develop at least two passenger cars by early autumn 2012. These cars would go into production in 2015 in the U.S. market and in 2016 in the rest of car markets. Although there is great concern in PSA group on the purchase of new materials and services, the head of GM, said that joint projects could become more important due to the alliance.

They want to produce a car which will fit in small class and a sedan in larger class. The small class will be sold on the European market. Initially will focus on markets from South America and even consider the Chinese market, where currently the partner models are sold individually, while the local partnerships are well established and safe for both GM and PSA.

Both companies have manufacturing plants in Brazil and Argentina where sold mainly small cars sold. It seems that in this region PSA wants to launch new models in the same time as in the European market and not after, as they did in the past.


Lithium-ion Batteries, Cheaper in 2014

Lithium-ion Batteries, Cheaper in 2014

The number of hybrid or electric cars grows slowly, from year to year. However, the potential customers of cars like Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, Nissan Leaf and Renault Zoe have to face the same problem, regardless of the environmental benefits, purchase price is relatively high.

The situation is about to change, since the green car market increases and the cost of equipment is likely to decrease. A recent study shows that the price of lithium-ion batteries will decrease by not less than 30% until 2017.

The conclusions of the study give as safe a fulminate increase of the battery market, its value will reach $14.6 billion from the current $2 billion. A rate of 25% will be overtaken by the models for Europe and North America, whose lower prices are a direct consequence of production.


Lithium-ion Batteries, Cheaper in 2014

Lithium-ion Batteries, Cheaper in 2014

The number of hybrid or electric cars grows slowly, from year to year. However, the potential customers of cars like Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, Nissan Leaf and Renault Zoe have to face the same problem, regardless of the environmental benefits, purchase price is relatively high.

The situation is about to change, since the green car market increases and the cost of equipment is likely to decrease. A recent study shows that the price of lithium-ion batteries will decrease by not less than 30% until 2017.

The conclusions of the study give as safe a fulminate increase of the battery market, its value will reach $14.6 billion from the current $2 billion. A rate of 25% will be overtaken by the models for Europe and North America, whose lower prices are a direct consequence of production.


Teaser for the next Citroen DS

Teaser for the next Citroen DS

Citroen DS range seems to fill quickly. In just two years the concept has translated into DS3, DS4 and DS5. The French are preparing to enter in the most difficult area of the premium segment, the next DS will be the largest in the range.

Even today, Citroën has published on the official Facebook page, first-teaser picture of the future flagship. Although we are dealing with an artistic image, made quite clear, intentional, we observed a significant influence of the concept Citroen Metropolis.

Limousine, presented as a concept at Shanghai Auto Show 2010, announce a new design for the brand of Hexagon, marked by sharp lines and large consoles. With a spectacular design, the show car was made even by the design team organized by Citroen in Shanghai. The car from teaser presents the same proportions, but the headlights look to be new, and the doors seem to be conventional.


Hyundai Santa Fe official preview

Hyundai Santa Fe official preview

The current generation of Hyundai Santa Fe is the oldest car of the Koreans range, which is likely to affect the car sales. Asians, however, take advantage of New York Auto Show to present the first official renderings of the SUV.

Hyundai Santa Fe is designed according to the company’s new design language, called suggestively Storm Edge. This is an evolution of current topics of graphics used at Hyundai cars, Fluid Sculpture. The picture shows us the new model from the front, but the back it is a complete mystery.

However, we see that the car lines are a blend of fluids forms, adopting the current technology and take angular reasons. The lights are using DRL technology (Daylight Running Lights), the high hood and bumper creates a massive majestic, typical for SUV. The new trapezoidal grille brings a new image.

The side remembers of the current ix35, and chrome line of windows separates from the “shoulder” above the rear wheels, all ending with a flaring. Stops are extended on rear wing and wheels in five-spoke twins create a sporty design. We’ll see how the production car will materialize, and this will happen just in time because Ford Kuga and the new Honda CR-V receive a new rival.


Artistic Vision for Bugatti 16C Galibier

Artistic Vision for Bugatti 16C Galibier

Bugatti 16C Galibier is the dream of many tycoons who, perhaps, have already grown tired of their old Veyron. For them and for us, all who are curious to see how it will manifest the most luxurious Bugatti ever, Macedonian designer Dejan Hristov has the ideal solution.

Macedonian’s car comply the allure of the concept presented by Bugatti in 2010, but brings elements altogether and from an entirely new angle. For example, the front has some small optical block, which when are not in use, are “hiding” under some retractable flaps, with a protective role.

The back does not keep much of the original concept. Large and semicircular lights used by Galibier, are replaced with a LED piece, grouped around a chrome bar. The access to the interior is made through some gullwing type doors, which eliminated the need of pillar. Regardless of how Bugatti 16C Galibier will go into production, studies like this do not make anything more but to stir up spirits among those who will buy the car.


Disco Volante – The Italian star at Geneva 2012

Disco Volante â€" The Italian star at Geneva 2012

It seems that Touring Superleggera is very nostalgic, especially when it comes to Alfa Romeo cars from the past. However, the small Italian company is not just thinking about that. Thus, the development of Disco Volante, which honors the eponymous model Alfa Romeo in 1952, is one of their main concerns.

The car uses the technical platform of Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione and uses a 4.7-litre V8 engine, centrally located. The sequential gearbox and limited slip differential helps to perfect the sporty potential and performance is a logical consequence: 4.2 seconds from 0-100 km/h and a top speed of 292 km/h.

The interior is also taken from 8C, but is customized according to customer brand preference. No fewer than 4,000 hours of labor required Disco Volante, which translates into eight months of waiting, after the client has surrendered 8C Competizione in the hands of the designers from Touring Superleggera.


Fiat: The “Greenest” Manufacturer in 2011

Fiat: The “Greenest” Manufacturer in 2011

The consulting company Jato Dynamics prepares a top of greenest car manufacturers every year by looking at the average CO2 emissions of the cars sold in Europe. Specifically, experts gather CO2 emissions of each model, then divide the resulting amount by the total number of vehicles sold.

Fiat has taken the first place with an average of only 118.2 g/km, down by 4.9 g/km compared to 2010. Even taking all brands of Fiat Group into account (Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Ferrari, Maserati), the Italians remain favourites with an average of 123.3 g/km CO2 emissions. That’s 2.6 g/km lower than in the last year.

In 2006 Fiat cars had an average of 137.3 g/km, so within 5 years they have reduced emissions by 14%. Moreover, Fiat has already managed to surpass the limit of 130 g/km, which EU will require the car manufacturers to reach by 2015.

The factors which have helped the Italian manufacturer to maintain this result for the fourth year in a row are a particular interest in LPG engines and serious investments to increase efficiency of the TwinAir 2-cylinder engine (which won the title of the Engine of the Year 2011).


Fiat: The “Greenest” Manufacturer in 2011

Fiat: The “Greenest” Manufacturer in 2011

The consulting company Jato Dynamics prepares a top of greenest car manufacturers every year by looking at the average CO2 emissions of the cars sold in Europe. Specifically, experts gather CO2 emissions of each model, then divide the resulting amount by the total number of vehicles sold.

Fiat has taken the first place with an average of only 118.2 g/km, down by 4.9 g/km compared to 2010. Even taking all brands of Fiat Group into account (Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Ferrari, Maserati), the Italians remain favourites with an average of 123.3 g/km CO2 emissions. That’s 2.6 g/km lower than in the last year.

In 2006 Fiat cars had an average of 137.3 g/km, so within 5 years they have reduced emissions by 14%. Moreover, Fiat has already managed to surpass the limit of 130 g/km, which EU will require the car manufacturers to reach by 2015.

The factors which have helped the Italian manufacturer to maintain this result for the fourth year in a row are a particular interest in LPG engines and serious investments to increase efficiency of the TwinAir 2-cylinder engine (which won the title of the Engine of the Year 2011).


Binz presents Mercedes-Benz E-Class XXXL

Binz presents Mercedes-Benz E-Class XXXL

If megalomaniac spirit meets occasionally with the need of space, Binz has the ideal solution. The E-Class longer possible, but also the most strident. Binz is a German Company known for the extravagant projects, especially models such as Mercedes-Benz E-Class and S-Class, which are treated by stretching. This time, however, the tuner seems to have decided that the need for space goes hand in hand with the desire of show off.

Thus, the new E-Class Binz is the perfect tool for those who like attention. The orange pearl screaming fits perfectly with the carbon cap, and if you wonder how many cm in length gained the new model, well, the answer is 86.

The total length of the car reached at 5.76 meters, but Binz guarantee that its security was not threatened at all. ESP has been recalibrated against the new size and speed was limited to 210 km/h. The price for this car will be 125,000 euro.


Fiat 500L – The Official details

Fiat 500L â€" The Official details

The family Fiat 500 is complete. After the three-door version or the charming 500C, is the time to see how it looks the five-door version. Fiat 500L measures 414 cm in length, 178 cm wide and has a height of 166 cm. The increase in size required a new approach in terms of design, but the Italians have done a good job at this chapter.

The front has a stately air than the three-door version. The bumper has a very broad scale. The lights were considerably increased, and now have an elongated shape and the hood is arched. On the side, we can see new mirrors and chrome door handles. From the back, 500L is like the basic model. The taillights have a round shape, being embedded in a large chrome trim effect. The cargo door dimensions announce a very practical decision.

Under the hood, the car will be equipped with 0.9 liter TwinAir engine or with 1.4 liter petrol engine, and for diesel we can choose 1.3 liter MultiJet engine. The spiritual descendant of the legendary Fiat 600 Multipla will be introduced at the Geneva Motor Show.


The New Audi Technologies in the Future

The New Audi Technologies in the Future

For the future of Audi electric cars, German engineers have teamed up with U.S. Company WiTricity to build wireless systems supply electricity to car batteries. Is not a new idea this “wireless charging”, but Audi will be sure that they provide the most reliable technology.

The principle is simple: in the parking space is mounted an induction coil, which generates a magnetic field when electric current is passed. The magnetic field reaches at a sufficient distance to produce, on its turn, electricity into another coil, this time mounted on the car.

So, without the need of cables, the car batteries can be charged simply, Audi engineers promised that this will not be affected by rain, snow or ice. They also promise that this technology will be available on production cars within two or three years.

Garage Parking Pilot

It is a system to which Volkswagen engineers are already working for. “Parking Garage Pilot” will combine the existing system Audi Parking Assistant with the new autonomous driving of the car.

The car systems will interact with the local wireless of the parking, which will communicate to. Avoid unwanted collisions will be provided by equipping cars with future system of vehicle-to-vehicle communication.


The New Audi Technologies in the Future

The New Audi Technologies in the Future

For the future of Audi electric cars, German engineers have teamed up with U.S. Company WiTricity to build wireless systems supply electricity to car batteries. Is not a new idea this “wireless charging”, but Audi will be sure that they provide the most reliable technology.

The principle is simple: in the parking space is mounted an induction coil, which generates a magnetic field when electric current is passed. The magnetic field reaches at a sufficient distance to produce, on its turn, electricity into another coil, this time mounted on the car.

So, without the need of cables, the car batteries can be charged simply, Audi engineers promised that this will not be affected by rain, snow or ice. They also promise that this technology will be available on production cars within two or three years.

Garage Parking Pilot

It is a system to which Volkswagen engineers are already working for. “Parking Garage Pilot” will combine the existing system Audi Parking Assistant with the new autonomous driving of the car.

The car systems will interact with the local wireless of the parking, which will communicate to. Avoid unwanted collisions will be provided by equipping cars with future system of vehicle-to-vehicle communication.


2012 Geneva: Magna Steyr MILA Coupic Concept

2012 Geneva: Magna Steyr MILA Coupic Concept

Magna Steyr is not a real automobile manufacturer, but is seriously involved in building cars – some of the sound names from auto world have externalized the production of certain models to Magna Steyr factories, best-known examples being Mercedes-Benz G-Class, Aston Martin Rapide or Mini Countryman.

MILA Coupic concept combines three cars in one. It’s about a SUV which can be converted into a sporty pickup or into a convertible life-style. At least about the SUV we give them right, the roof which plunges steeply to the rear and two-tone paint printing on the car a dynamic image.

Regarding to the style “open-air convertible”, Magna Steyr would be better to look at Range Rover Evoque. MILA Coupic Concept adopts, in fact, another solution: the roof is soft-top, made of small panels of glass, divided into two large sections which can be opened independently.

In the practical part, MILA Coupic can turn into a kind of pick-up thanks to a clever folding system at vertical of the back seat: pushing the button, it slides forward, ie the partition between the front and back is cleared, where can be transported bicycles or sports equipment.


2012 Geneva Motor Show Highlights Part 2

2012 Geneva Motor Show Highlights Part 2

With the public open days of the Geneva Motor Show almost over, let’s go over the cars which don’t have quite as much power as we mentioned in our first part.  Whilst most of the attention was focused on the supercars and SUVs of the show, there was no shortage of hot hatches and eco-friendly tech around…Though it didn’t seem as much of a big thing this year, the environment was definitely a focus of this year’s show.  There were plenty of EVs and hybrids, alongside some extremely efficient traditional engines.  Hopefully the lack of fanfare regarding the majority of these could mean that they are quickly becoming a normal part of the industry and accepted in the same way as more traditional motors.

Renault Zoe

Renault's new Zoe EV, set for release by the end of 2012 with a 130-mile range

Let’s start on a high-note, shall we? Renault had a great show in Switzerland this year, with the biggest news arguably coming from a nice little EV called Zoe.  The car was production-ready, and looks fantastic.  The 100% electric car boasts an equivalent power of 88bhp and a top speed of 84MPH.  The range is 130 miles on a full charge, though that is in ideal conditions.  The average user will probably get between 60 to 90 miles depending on the roads, type of driving and other factors.  The time it takes to charge this car?  30 minutes at a quick-charge point, but likely considerably longer from a home socket.  The biggest news about this car, though, is the price.  £13,650 once the £5,000 EV grant has been taken off.  That’s seriously affordable, and in all it makes a great family car.

Nissan Invitation

Nissan's Invitation concept, looking fantastic and most likely to replace the Note

Just as exciting, though not as feature complete is the Invitation concept, a more aggressive looking traditional engined car from Nissan.  Designed to be sold between the Micra and the Juke crossover, Nissan have targeted the best model to fall below 100g/km CO2, but say that all of the upcoming models will be able to wear the Pure Drive badge with honour.  Due to be launched early in 2013, there are no pricing details yet, but I’m sure Nissan won’t take long to announce a production-ready model soon.

Fiat 500L

Fiat's MPV based on the extremely popular 500

If you need a little more space for the kids, a pile of kittens or all that shopping you need to do, but don’t want to sacrifice great Italian design, the Fiat 500L should satisfy all you desires.  Based on the incredibly well received 500 model, the 500L will launch with the choice of 2 gasoline engines (Fiat’s 900cc Twinair and a four-cylinder 1.4 litre model) and a 1.3 litre Diesel.  Not quite as cute as it’s little sister, the new machine will no doubt find fans in its European home market when it comes to launch towards the end of 2012.


Honda's EV-STER concept paves the way for more environmentally-focused roadsters

It’s not all tiny cars or family cars running efficient motors, however.  Honda held the European debut for it’s EV-STER roadster concept at Geneva, after a great reception at Tokyo last year.  The biggest headline from this car is the lack of a steering wheel.  Instead, the driver uses two vertical handlebars which are meant to represent more of a motorcycle’s steering system.  This, however, should not take away from the specs, being a 99mph top speed and 0-60 in 5 seconds.  These are some pretty impressive figures for an EV, and it looks like Honda have given the project a green light for production.  I’ll have 3, please!

Toyota FT-Bh Concept

Toyota's full-hybrid, ultra lightweight city car, the FT-Bh

An international motor show would never be complete wthout some crazyness from at least one of the Japanese automakers, and we had that in spades at Geneva.  This is the FT-Bh, Toyota’s experiment with creating something ultra-lightweight, stylish and environmentally responsible.  All evidence points to the Japanese firm as being successful in its goal.  25% lighter than the Yaris, yet still using existing materials, the car achieves 135mpg and just 49g/km of CO2, making it ridiculously efficient with its hybrid powertrain.  Though there don’t seem to be any plans for production of this slice of awesome from the far-east, we wouldn’t be surprised if the lessons learned here don’t filter down into the production line, and that can only be a good thing, right?

Thanks for reading this post!  If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave your views below, and we will see you again soon.


2012 Geneva Motor Show Highlights Part 2

2012 Geneva Motor Show Highlights Part 2

With the public open days of the Geneva Motor Show almost over, let’s go over the cars which don’t have quite as much power as we mentioned in our first part.  Whilst most of the attention was focused on the supercars and SUVs of the show, there was no shortage of hot hatches and eco-friendly tech around…Though it didn’t seem as much of a big thing this year, the environment was definitely a focus of this year’s show.  There were plenty of EVs and hybrids, alongside some extremely efficient traditional engines.  Hopefully the lack of fanfare regarding the majority of these could mean that they are quickly becoming a normal part of the industry and accepted in the same way as more traditional motors.

Renault Zoe

Renault's new Zoe EV, set for release by the end of 2012 with a 130-mile range

Let’s start on a high-note, shall we? Renault had a great show in Switzerland this year, with the biggest news arguably coming from a nice little EV called Zoe.  The car was production-ready, and looks fantastic.  The 100% electric car boasts an equivalent power of 88bhp and a top speed of 84MPH.  The range is 130 miles on a full charge, though that is in ideal conditions.  The average user will probably get between 60 to 90 miles depending on the roads, type of driving and other factors.  The time it takes to charge this car?  30 minutes at a quick-charge point, but likely considerably longer from a home socket.  The biggest news about this car, though, is the price.  £13,650 once the £5,000 EV grant has been taken off.  That’s seriously affordable, and in all it makes a great family car.

Nissan Invitation

Nissan's Invitation concept, looking fantastic and most likely to replace the Note

Just as exciting, though not as feature complete is the Invitation concept, a more aggressive looking traditional engined car from Nissan.  Designed to be sold between the Micra and the Juke crossover, Nissan have targeted the best model to fall below 100g/km CO2, but say that all of the upcoming models will be able to wear the Pure Drive badge with honour.  Due to be launched early in 2013, there are no pricing details yet, but I’m sure Nissan won’t take long to announce a production-ready model soon.

Fiat 500L

Fiat's MPV based on the extremely popular 500

If you need a little more space for the kids, a pile of kittens or all that shopping you need to do, but don’t want to sacrifice great Italian design, the Fiat 500L should satisfy all you desires.  Based on the incredibly well received 500 model, the 500L will launch with the choice of 2 gasoline engines (Fiat’s 900cc Twinair and a four-cylinder 1.4 litre model) and a 1.3 litre Diesel.  Not quite as cute as it’s little sister, the new machine will no doubt find fans in its European home market when it comes to launch towards the end of 2012.


Honda's EV-STER concept paves the way for more environmentally-focused roadsters

It’s not all tiny cars or family cars running efficient motors, however.  Honda held the European debut for it’s EV-STER roadster concept at Geneva, after a great reception at Tokyo last year.  The biggest headline from this car is the lack of a steering wheel.  Instead, the driver uses two vertical handlebars which are meant to represent more of a motorcycle’s steering system.  This, however, should not take away from the specs, being a 99mph top speed and 0-60 in 5 seconds.  These are some pretty impressive figures for an EV, and it looks like Honda have given the project a green light for production.  I’ll have 3, please!

Toyota FT-Bh Concept

Toyota's full-hybrid, ultra lightweight city car, the FT-Bh

An international motor show would never be complete wthout some crazyness from at least one of the Japanese automakers, and we had that in spades at Geneva.  This is the FT-Bh, Toyota’s experiment with creating something ultra-lightweight, stylish and environmentally responsible.  All evidence points to the Japanese firm as being successful in its goal.  25% lighter than the Yaris, yet still using existing materials, the car achieves 135mpg and just 49g/km of CO2, making it ridiculously efficient with its hybrid powertrain.  Though there don’t seem to be any plans for production of this slice of awesome from the far-east, we wouldn’t be surprised if the lessons learned here don’t filter down into the production line, and that can only be a good thing, right?

Thanks for reading this post!  If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave your views below, and we will see you again soon.


