Modifikasi Honda Supra X 125
Still repeat the triumph of last with the launching of the product was popular with a new glance, if not careful could be the rather interesting attention of boomerang. In spite of the risk, the effort is still made with wing of berlambang of manufacturer of motor bike Honda red, in order to maintain the reputation of a support supra principal X 125 of product.
Later, the pint Astra Honda circulate in the car (AHM) are ceaseless launched alternatives of means-incentive of news with the minor modification or look at it simply (gone up face). After the alternatives of launching adapt X a certain back of time, turn now in new X supra that 125 series are alleged to have new a company and sharp of design saturdays (8/9) with Bandung.
Not only one product which was launched in the city of the flowers, but two types X supra 125 at the same time, namely this system of injection of carry out of technology (PGM-FI) and the carburetor. Indeed, both only one elevator of face in terms of aspect, but with an engine of execution which was shown in the preceding products, will of AHM remain optimistic more the products.
We do not confuse the elevator of face of limit, but in a more important way we try to meet the consumer than the desire by both our product is, marketing director of pint AHM Johannes Loman.
Change, maintaining with the factory is the designer of 125 DC and seems more in agreement with the sporting spirit this young rider like themselves. Devices which are obvious on the elevator operating system of face with the double of multireflector of lighting of bulb (double bulb).
Lights before Centre and design of just lighting of twilight with the body which looks at more slender than older models and the additional disc brake for the aft wheel (a special standard of frame of wheel) for the factor of safety while leading.
Although it does not change posting, follow-up of a change of configuration of engine, the technology offered on a motor bike to the pedestrian is classified, although one of the alternatives, Honda X supra 125 PGM-FI, now has the technology of injection of carry out . Moreover, the technology of injection on a motor bike which had been previously presented including/understanding Honda is not popular among consumers, in addition to the test results which were made a certain publication of the motor vehicles does not provide the differences in execution and of effectiveness are significant.
As ducks of a motor bike of injection of precursor in Indonesia, the model is always based on technology, modulates it of electronic order (electronic countermeasure), which is identical that the preceding model. The electronic countermeasure is alleged to improve the effectiveness of fuel consumption, because the number of hours and the supply out of fuel are placed with the precision the suitable machine of covering of conditions.
Models X supra 125 PGM fi can produce 7% of fuel consumption is better than the carburetor supra of X 125, and 36% better in comparison with Duck of 100 DC, say the managing director and engineering services AHM Tedjo Siswayo.
Not only that, electronic countermeasure also functions like safety of support of driver of instrument. When the engine in position inclining 55 degrees in time more than 5 seconds, the electronic countermeasure will cease functioning of the injector, the igniter coil and the petrol station, so that the motor bike dies automatically.
However, on the one hand, this device could be a boomerang for the producers not to include/understand consumers due to the system and how that functions. What, if the consumer incline the engine of bicycle accidentally, practical probes which will turn off the engine. In fact, the broad exceptional belief in the user name of mailing list suggest that to avoid technology and the motor bike seemed to be "wet".
While waiting, to supervise the electronic systems work, the spedometer of panel equipped with the indicator of malfunction (millet). The indicator of indication will flicker if an interruption occurs. For example, if there is a flickering of light not less seven times faster, indicating that damage in the temperature sensor of the oil of the engine.
Examine the turn of the media Indonesia, Wednesday (12/9) in the sector of the golf Cimanggis Depok de Bukit, the motor bike will be easy to fold distortion-to block in the medium as well as in the town of mother. Moreover, with the operation of the transmission speed which is easy and sensitive.
In each round of each level in the word rate, the power can be realized with the optimal one. In one to three teeth, speed reached 100 kilometers in little time.
New X supra 125 PGM-FI in Rp15, 7 million, while for the fingers type of rim of carburetor Rp13 offered, 6 million, and Rp14, was juicy 6 (rim packing).
By the presence of a motor bike with a new elevator of strategy the face, trying to unify the AHM with quality and marks which are not independently of the model. Provided that, the elevator of face of strategy later this Honda is not a boomerang, because it simply as a solution of saving in face of strategy only for the resolution of the problems or shame of prevention so that Honda overcomes the competition of in the future in sales of motor bike in duck of Indonesia.
Modified of Honda Supra X 125 Picture collections:

Modifikasi Honda Supra X 125Masih mengulang kemenangan terakhir dengan peluncuran produk tersebut populer dengan pandangan baru, jika tidak berhati-hati bisa menjadi lebih menarik perhatian bumerang. Meskipun risiko, upaya masih dibuat dengan sayap pabrikan berlambang merah sepeda motor Honda, dalam rangka mempertahankan reputasi sebuah pokok dukungan supra X 125 produk.Later, the pint Astra Honda circulate in the car (AHM) are ceaseless launched alternatives of means-incentive of news with the minor modification or look at it simply (gone up face). After the alternatives of launching adapt X a certain back of time, turn now in new X supra that 125 series are alleged to have new a company and sharp of design saturdays (8/9) with Bandung.
Not only one product which was launched in the city of the flowers, but two types X supra 125 at the same time, namely this system of injection of carry out of technology (PGM-FI) and the carburetor. Indeed, both only one elevator of face in terms of aspect, but with an engine of execution which was shown in the preceding products, will of AHM remain optimistic more the products.
We do not confuse the elevator of face of limit, but in a more important way we try to meet the consumer than the desire by both our product is, marketing director of pint AHM Johannes Loman.
Change, maintaining with the factory is the designer of 125 DC and seems more in agreement with the sporting spirit this young rider like themselves. Devices which are obvious on the elevator operating system of face with the double of multireflector of lighting of bulb (double bulb).
Lights before Centre and design of just lighting of twilight with the body which looks at more slender than older models and the additional disc brake for the aft wheel (a special standard of frame of wheel) for the factor of safety while leading.
Although it does not change posting, follow-up of a change of configuration of engine, the technology offered on a motor bike to the pedestrian is classified, although one of the alternatives, Honda X supra 125 PGM-FI, now has the technology of injection of carry out . Moreover, the technology of injection on a motor bike which had been previously presented including/understanding Honda is not popular among consumers, in addition to the test results which were made a certain publication of the motor vehicles does not provide the differences in execution and of effectiveness are significant.
As ducks of a motor bike of injection of precursor in Indonesia, the model is always based on technology, modulates it of electronic order (electronic countermeasure), which is identical that the preceding model. The electronic countermeasure is alleged to improve the effectiveness of fuel consumption, because the number of hours and the supply out of fuel are placed with the precision the suitable machine of covering of conditions.
Models X supra 125 PGM fi can produce 7% of fuel consumption is better than the carburetor supra of X 125, and 36% better in comparison with Duck of 100 DC, say the managing director and engineering services AHM Tedjo Siswayo.
Not only that, electronic countermeasure also functions like safety of support of driver of instrument. When the engine in position inclining 55 degrees in time more than 5 seconds, the electronic countermeasure will cease functioning of the injector, the igniter coil and the petrol station, so that the motor bike dies automatically.
However, on the one hand, this device could be a boomerang for the producers not to include/understand consumers due to the system and how that functions. What, if the consumer incline the engine of bicycle accidentally, practical probes which will turn off the engine. In fact, the broad exceptional belief in the user name of mailing list suggest that to avoid technology and the motor bike seemed to be "wet".
While waiting, to supervise the electronic systems work, the spedometer of panel equipped with the indicator of malfunction (millet). The indicator of indication will flicker if an interruption occurs. For example, if there is a flickering of light not less seven times faster, indicating that damage in the temperature sensor of the oil of the engine.
Examine the turn of the media Indonesia, Wednesday (12/9) in the sector of the golf Cimanggis Depok de Bukit, the motor bike will be easy to fold distortion-to block in the medium as well as in the town of mother. Moreover, with the operation of the transmission speed which is easy and sensitive.
In each round of each level in the word rate, the power can be realized with the optimal one. In one to three teeth, speed reached 100 kilometers in little time.
New X supra 125 PGM-FI in Rp15, 7 million, while for the fingers type of rim of carburetor Rp13 offered, 6 million, and Rp14, was juicy 6 (rim packing).
By the presence of a motor bike with a new elevator of strategy the face, trying to unify the AHM with quality and marks which are not independently of the model. Provided that, the elevator of face of strategy later this Honda is not a boomerang, because it simply as a solution of saving in face of strategy only for the resolution of the problems or shame of prevention so that Honda overcomes the competition of in the future in sales of motor bike in duck of Indonesia.
Modified of Honda Supra X 125 Picture collections:

Kemudian, pint Astra Honda beredar di mobil (AHM) yang diluncurkan tanpa henti alternatif sarana-insentif berita dengan modifikasi minor atau melihat secara sederhana (hilang wajah). Setelah alternatif meluncurkan X beradaptasi kembali waktu tertentu, giliran sekarang di supra X 125 seri baru yang diduga telah baru sebuah perusahaan dan tajam desain Sabtu (8 / 9) dengan Bandung.
Tidak hanya satu produk yang diluncurkan di kota bunga, tapi dua jenis supra X 125 pada saat yang sama, yaitu sistem ini injeksi melaksanakan teknologi (PGM-FI) dan karburator. Memang, keduanya hanya satu lift wajah dalam hal aspek, tetapi dengan mesin pelaksanaan yang ditunjukkan dalam produk sebelumnya, akan dari AHM tetap optimis lebih banyak produk.
Kami tidak membingungkan lift wajah batas, tapi dengan cara yang lebih penting kita berusaha memenuhi keinginan konsumen daripada oleh kedua produk kami, direktur pemasaran AHM Johannes Loman gelas bir.
Ubah, memelihara dengan pabrik adalah perancang 125 DC dan tampaknya lebih sesuai dengan semangat olahraga ini pembalap muda seperti mereka. Perangkat yang jelas pada sistem elevator operasi wajah dengan ganda multireflector pencahayaan umbi (umbi ganda).
Lampu sebelum Centre dan desain hanya pencahayaan senja dengan tubuh yang ramping terlihat di lebih dari model lama dan tambahan rem cakram untuk roda belakang (standar khusus rangka roda) untuk faktor keamanan saat memimpin.
Meskipun tidak mengubah posting, tindak lanjut dari perubahan konfigurasi mesin, teknologi yang ditawarkan pada sepeda motor untuk pejalan kaki tersebut diklasifikasikan, meskipun salah satu alternatif, Honda supra X 125 PGM-FI, sekarang memiliki teknologi suntikan dilakukan. Selain itu, teknologi injeksi pada sepeda motor yang sebelumnya telah disajikan termasuk / pemahaman Honda tidak populer di kalangan konsumen, selain hasil tes yang dilakukan sebuah publikasi tertentu dari kendaraan bermotor tidak memberikan perbedaan dalam pelaksanaan dan efektivitas yang signifikan.
Sebagai bebek dari sepeda motor injeksi prekursor di Indonesia, model selalu didasarkan pada teknologi, memodulasi itu order elektronik (penanggulangan elektronik), yang identik bahwa model sebelumnya. The penanggulangan elektronik diduga untuk meningkatkan efektivitas konsumsi bahan bakar, karena jumlah jam dan keluar pasokan bahan bakar ditempatkan dengan presisi mesin yang sesuai meliputi kondisi.
Model supra X 125 PGM fi dapat menghasilkan 7% konsumsi bahan bakar lebih baik daripada karburator supra X 125, dan 36% lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Bebek dari 100 DC, mengatakan layanan direktur dan rekayasa AHM Tedjo Siswayo.
Tidak hanya itu, penanggulangan elektronik juga berfungsi seperti keamanan dukungan driver instrumen. Ketika mesin dalam posisi kemiringan 55 derajat dalam waktu lebih dari 5 detik, penanggulangan elektronik akan menghentikan fungsi injektor, koil penyala dan stasiun bensin, sehingga sepeda motor mati secara otomatis.
Namun, di satu sisi, perangkat ini bisa menjadi bumerang bagi para produsen untuk tidak menyertakan / memahami konsumen karena sistem dan bagaimana yang berfungsi. Apa, jika konsumen miring mesin sepeda sengaja, probe praktis yang akan mematikan mesin. Bahkan, kepercayaan luar biasa luas dalam nama pengguna mailing list ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk menghindari teknologi dan sepeda motor tampaknya menjadi "basah".
Sambil menunggu, untuk mengawasi kerja sistem elektronik, panel spedometer dilengkapi dengan indikator kerusakan (millet). Indikator indikasi akan berkelip jika terjadi gangguan. Sebagai contoh, jika ada cahaya berkedip-kedip tidak kurang tujuh kali lebih cepat, menunjukkan bahwa kerusakan pada sensor suhu minyak mesin.
Periksa pergantian media Indonesia, Rabu (12 / 9) di bidang golf Cimanggis Depok de Bukit, sepeda motor akan mudah untuk melipat distorsi-untuk memblokir dalam medium serta di kota ibu. Selain itu, dengan operasi dari kecepatan transmisi yang mudah dan sensitif.
Dalam setiap putaran tiap tingkat dalam tingkat kata, kekuasaan dapat terwujud dengan yang optimal. Dalam 1-3 gigi, kecepatan mencapai 100 kilometer dalam waktu sedikit.
New supra X 125 PGM-FI di Rp15, 7 juta, sedangkan untuk tipe jari-jari lingkaran Rp13 karburator yang ditawarkan, 6 juta, dan Rp14, adalah juicy 6 (packing pelek).
Dengan adanya sepeda motor dengan lift baru strategi wajah, berusaha untuk menyatukan AHM dengan kualitas dan tanda yang tidak terpisah dari model. Asalkan, lift wajah dari strategi Honda ini nantinya tidak bumerang, karena hanya sebagai solusi tabungan dalam menghadapi strategi hanya untuk penyelesaian masalah atau malu pencegahan sehingga Honda mengatasi persaingan di masa depan penjualan sepeda motor di bebek Indonesia.
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