yamaha vixion Front Fork Kain Kafan
yamaha vixion Front Fork Shroud
Finally caught well sightings Yamaha Vixion Special Edition, this picture is managed by the bro kentadis immortalized in Solo, Central Java. Apparently this only adds a few new motorcycle accessories and Y-MAX SharkSet CobraSet course, strategies that draw from YMKI to popularize official merchandise accessories, if accessories are sold separately Cobraset only costs 975rb 950rb and Sharkset worth it, but the price Vixion Special Edition priced at only Jt 22.83 cheaper 125rb. With the price turns out to Vixion So much more frightening and cool .... deh ... Gear regret not include Tank Cover (condoms tank), Big Air shroud, Radiator Cover, Front Fork shroud, Under Cowl (cover below) and Rear Vender.

yamaha vixion Front Fork Kain Kafan
Akhirnya tertangkap juga penampakan Yamaha Vixion Edisi Khusus, gambar ini dikelola oleh bro kentadis diabadikan di Solo, Jawa Tengah. Rupanya ini hanya menambah beberapa aksesoris sepeda motor baru dan Y-MAX saja SharkSet CobraSet, strategi yang menarik dari YMKI untuk mempopulerkan aksesori barang resmi, jika aksesoris yang dijual terpisah Cobraset hanya biaya 975rb 950rb dan Sharkset layak, tapi harga Vixion Edisi Khusus harga di hanya 22,83 Jt 125rb lebih murah. Dengan harga ternyata Vixion Jadi jauh lebih menakutkan dan sejuk .... deh ... Gear menyesal tidak termasuk Tank Cover (kondom tangki), Big Air kain kafan, Radiator Cover, Front Fork kain kafan, Under cowl (cover bawah) dan Belakang Vender
Finally caught well sightings Yamaha Vixion Special Edition, this picture is managed by the bro kentadis immortalized in Solo, Central Java. Apparently this only adds a few new motorcycle accessories and Y-MAX SharkSet CobraSet course, strategies that draw from YMKI to popularize official merchandise accessories, if accessories are sold separately Cobraset only costs 975rb 950rb and Sharkset worth it, but the price Vixion Special Edition priced at only Jt 22.83 cheaper 125rb. With the price turns out to Vixion So much more frightening and cool .... deh ... Gear regret not include Tank Cover (condoms tank), Big Air shroud, Radiator Cover, Front Fork shroud, Under Cowl (cover below) and Rear Vender.

yamaha vixion Front Fork Kain Kafan
Akhirnya tertangkap juga penampakan Yamaha Vixion Edisi Khusus, gambar ini dikelola oleh bro kentadis diabadikan di Solo, Jawa Tengah. Rupanya ini hanya menambah beberapa aksesoris sepeda motor baru dan Y-MAX saja SharkSet CobraSet, strategi yang menarik dari YMKI untuk mempopulerkan aksesori barang resmi, jika aksesoris yang dijual terpisah Cobraset hanya biaya 975rb 950rb dan Sharkset layak, tapi harga Vixion Edisi Khusus harga di hanya 22,83 Jt 125rb lebih murah. Dengan harga ternyata Vixion Jadi jauh lebih menakutkan dan sejuk .... deh ... Gear menyesal tidak termasuk Tank Cover (kondom tangki), Big Air kain kafan, Radiator Cover, Front Fork kain kafan, Under cowl (cover bawah) dan Belakang Vender
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